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The Application of Two-Eyed Seeing Decolonizing Methodology in Qualitative and Quantitative Research for the Treatment of Intergenerational Trauma and Substance Use Disorders

Teresa Naseba Marsh, Sheila Cote-Meek, Pamela Toulouse, Lisa M. Najavits, Nancy L. Young

2015 Canada

In this article, the authors describe the research process undertaken to incorporate Two-Eyed Seeing Indigenous decolonizing methodology into the treatment of intergenerational trauma and substance use disorders in Aboriginal peoples living in Northern Ontario, Canada, using the Seeking Safety model. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the authors systematically discuss the research methodology with the hope to inspire other health researchers who are attempting to incorporate diverse methodological principles pertinent to Indigenous populations.

PTSD, substance use disorders, intergenerational trauma, Two-Eyed Seeing, Seeking Safety, traditional healing practices, decolonizing methodologies, Indigenous worldviews, sharing circles, Elders