Applying Indigenous Research Methods focuseson the question of “How” Indigenous Research Methodologies (IRMs)can be used and taught across Indigenous studies and education.
In this collection, Indigenous scholars address the importance of IRMs in their own scholarship, while focusing conversations on the application withothers. Each chapter is co-authored to model methods rooted in the sharing of stories to strengthen relationships, such as yarning, storywork, and others. The chapters offer a wealth of specific examples, as told by researchers about their research methods in conversation with other scholars, teachers, and community members.
Applying Indigenous Research Methods is an interdisciplinary showcase of the ways IRMs can enhance scholarship in fields including education, Indigenous studies, settler colonial studies, social work, qualitative methodologies, and beyond.
PART I Palm Upwards: “Reaching Back to Receive Lessons” 1 Hands Back, Hands Forward for Indigenous Storywork as Methodology Jo-ann Archibald Q’um Q’um Xiiem [Stó:lo- and St’at’imc] and Amy Parent Nox Ayaaw´ ilt [Nisga’a] 2 Community Relationships within Indigenous Methodologies Elizabeth Fast [Métis/Mennonite] and Margaret Kovach [Plains Cree/Saulteaux/member of Treaty Four in southern Saskatchewan] 3 K’é and Tdayp-tday-gaw: Embodying Indigenous Relationality in Research Methods Leola Roberta Rainbow Tsinnajinnie [Diné/Filipina and accepted into Santa Ana Pueblo], Robin Starr Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn [Kiowa/Apache/Umatilla/Nez Perce/Assiniboine], and Tiffany S. Lee [Dibé Łizhiní Diné/Oglala Lakota]
PART II Palm Downwards: “The Challenge and Opportunity toLive These Teachings” 4 Enacting Indigenous Research Methods: Centering Diné Epistemology to Guide the Process Valerie J. Shirley [Diné] and Deidra Angulo [Diné] 5 Research Before and After the Academy: Learning Participatory Indigenous Methods Sandi Wemigwase [Waganakising Odawa] and Eve Tuck [Unangax] 6 Indigenous Methodologies in Graduate School: Accountability, Relationships, and Tensions Daniel Piper [White], Jacob Jacobe [White], Rose Yazzie [Diné], and Dolores Calderon [Tigua/Mexican]
PART III Palms Joined: “Responsibility to Pass Those Teachings to Others” 7 Indigenous Teachers: At the Cross-Roads of Applying Indigenous Research Methodologies Jeremy Garcia [Hopi/Tewa], Samuel Tenakhongva [Hopi], and Bryant Honyouti [Hopi] 8 Re-centering Tribally-Specific Research Methodologies within Dominant Academic Systems Michael M. Munson [Séliš, Ql´ispé, and non-Native ancestries] and Timothy San Pedro 9 Moʻolelo: Continuity, Stories, and Research in Hawaiʻi Sunnie Kaikala Ma-kua [‘O – iwi Hawai‘i], Manulani Aluli Meyer [‘O – iwi Hawai‘i], and Lynette Lokelani Wakinekona [‘O – iwi Hawai‘i] Afterword: To Be an Indigenous Scholar Cornel Pewewardy [Comanche-Kiowa]
Featured Resources
Christopher C. Sonn, Jesica Siham Fernández, James Ferreira Moura Jr., Monica Eviandaru Madyaningrum, Nick Malherbe
2024 | Australia
This handbook offers refined interpretations of decolonial thought, methodologies, and practices in community psychology. As a representative mapping of the broad range of decolonial cosmovisions, experiences, and praxes in community psychology and allied disciplines around the globe, it brings together contributions from North America, Latin America, Europe, Oceania, Africa, and…
Farhana Sultana
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Jacqueline M. Quinless
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Mlamuli Nkosingphile Hlatshwayo, Hanelie Adendorff, Margaret A.L. Blackie, Aslam Fataar, Paul Maluleka
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Featured Resources
Christopher C. Sonn, Jesica Siham Fernández, James Ferreira Moura Jr., Monica Eviandaru Madyaningrum, Nick Malherbe
2024 | Australia
This handbook offers refined interpretations of decolonial thought, methodologies, and practices in community psychology. As a representative mapping of the broad range of decolonial cosmovisions, experiences, and praxes in community psychology and allied disciplines around the globe, it brings together contributions from North America, Latin America, Europe, Oceania, Africa, and…
Farhana Sultana
2024 |
This timely and urgent collection brings together cutting-edge interdisciplinary scholarship and ideas from around the world to present critical examinations of climate coloniality. Confronting Climate Coloniality exposes how legacies of colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism co-produce and exacerbate the climate crisis, create disproportionate impacts on those who contributed the least to climate…
Jacqueline M. Quinless
2022 | Canada
Decolonizing Data explores how ongoing structures of colonialization negatively impact the well-being of Indigenous peoples and communities across Canada, resulting in persistent health inequalities. In addressing the social dimensions of health, particularly as they affect Indigenous peoples and BIPOC communities, Decolonizing Data asks, Should these groups be given priority for future health policy…
Mlamuli Nkosingphile Hlatshwayo, Hanelie Adendorff, Margaret A.L. Blackie, Aslam Fataar, Paul Maluleka
2022 | South Africa
Decolonising Knowledge and Knowers contributes to the current struggles for decolonising education in the global South, focusing on the highly illuminating case of South African higher education. Galvanised by #FeesMustFall and #RhodesMustFall student protests, South Africa has seen particularly intense and broad social engagement with debates over decolonising universities. However, much…