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Indigenous Statistics: A Quantitative Research Methodology 

Maggie Walter, Chris Andersen

2013 Australia, United States, Canada

In the first book ever published on Indigenous quantitative methodologies, Maggie Walter and Chris Andersen open up a major new approach to research across the disciplines and applied fields. While qualitative methods have been rigorously critiqued and reformulated, the population statistics relied on by virtually all research on Indigenous peoples continue to be taken for granted as straightforward, transparent numbers. This book dismantles that persistent positivism with a forceful critique, then fills the void with a new paradigm for Indigenous quantitative methods, using concrete examples of research projects from First World Indigenous peoples in the United States, Australia, and Canada. Concise and accessible, it is an ideal supplementary text as well as a core component of the methodological toolkit for anyone conducting Indigenous research or using Indigenous population statistics.

Chapter 1: Deficit Indigenes
Chapter 2: Conceptualizing Quantitative Methodologies
Chapter 3: The Paradigm of Indigenous Methodologies
Chapter 4: nayri kati (“Good Numbers”)—Indigenous Quantitative Methodology in Practice
Chapter 5: Indigenous Quantitative Methodological Practice—Canada
Chapter 6: Conclusion—Indigenous Peoples and Statistics